Metrics and KPI for Cosmetic Digital Marketing. How to choose the most effective ones

What are the most useful metrics of your cosmetics company? Sometimes it’s not easy to identify the metrics that will make your cosmetics business effective.

But let us focus on one thing: what makes a metric, i.e. measuring parameters, effective? What are the effective measuring characteristics?

To understand if a metric is effective there is a Golden Rule:

A metric to be a good metric for you, and therefore effective must:

  • Change your attitudes and/or
  • Change your behaviour

If a metric alternately changes your attitudes or behaviors or both.

Within this Webinar we analyze which are the most effective metrics to make effective decisions.

We’ll explain what they are and what meaning they have for cosmetics:

  • comparative metrics
  • Leading Metrics
  • Lagging Metrics

We will explore how to use metrics to make disruptive innovation within cosmetic companies.

Picture of Enrico Giubertoni

Enrico Giubertoni

International Keynote Speaker, Autore. Aiuto le imprese a sfruttare il Marketing Digitale come leva strategica per conquistare il proprio Target
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