Elevate with AI: Aligning Organizational Efforts for Target Excellence

In this era of artificial intelligence (AI), consumers have become more demanding, requiring a high-quality customer experience that can only be ensured through perfect internal harmony.

This scenario confronts businesses with the question: how can this synergy be guaranteed?

AI is not about cutting costs; it’s about MEETING the needs of your target.

A company’s ability to promptly and personally respond to its customers’ needs becomes a Crucial factor.

Therefore, complete synchronization among departments becomes not just desirable but essential.

How your target perceives your Brand: the Canoe Parallel.

When your target chooses your Brand, they envision it as a canoe where all the rowers are:

  1. Aligned on a common purpose
  2. Synergistic in their tasks
  3. Synchronized in their actions

Customer Loyalty is maintained on the condition that every department rows in harmony, allowing the company to successfully navigate towards achieving its objectives.

The most virtuous companies are doing it, and your target expects it as the standard!

I will describe a personal case study that demonstrates its disruptive power. Listen to it at minute (1:53) of the podcast.

Action What I think? What I would have expected
I search for the purchase date on the eCommerce It’s not there!
Two reference eCommerce sites come to mind that keep my information.
To easily find the purchase date stored on the eCommerce to facilitate the warranty process.
I write to support for the purchase date Whoever updated the eCommerce software did not correctly evaluate with Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service the impact of zeroing previous purchases. An effective synchronization and communication between departments to ensure that important information like purchase dates are preserved during system updates.
I activate the warranty procedure and find it stated that I would receive a tracking code for the repair Good, so I can self-service without depending on the limited time of others.
After 10 days I discover that I don’t have the tracking code 10 days of silence without any

way to track it: I start to doubt that my defective product has been lost.

To receive the tracking codes promptly without having to further urge the assistance.
I write back to customer service to get the tracking codes after 14 days To receive the tracking codes promptly without having to further urge the assistance.
I receive a call from support informing me that the codes are not available for third-party repair centers None of the departments are synchronized with the others. That other realities are more effective. I lose the customer. Clear and synchronized communication among all departments, ensuring that the information provided to the customer is accurate and that the promised services are actually available.


What’s not working? The absence of a synergistic approach throws all the tools off calibration

This company’s CRMs work, the eCommerce works, customer service works.

So, what’s not working?

The answer lies in two fundamental components:

  1. the synergy among the different business units
  2. the focus on the needs of the target.

As a result, all tools and technologies are calibrated forgetting the target.

Even though the individual units perform well individually, the absence of a coordinated approach and a deep understanding of the target’s needs prevents collective effectiveness, undermining the customer experience and operational efficiency.

AI Marketing makes your customer aware that “It can be done”. And on the business side, how do you respond?

There’s no more time to waste. With AI applied to Marketing and Organizational structure, processes must be aligned.

Only through a shared commitment to excellence in internal communication and interdepartmental alignment can your company hope to meet the rising expectations of consumers in the AI era.

It’s time to act.

Picture of Enrico Giubertoni

Enrico Giubertoni

International Keynote Speaker, Autore. Aiuto le imprese a sfruttare il Marketing Digitale come leva strategica per conquistare il proprio Target
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