Enrico Giubertoni
Authored works
Professional Press
Enrico Giubertoni’s contributions to the professional press on the topic of digital strategy.

Italia Grafica
Enrico Giubertoni established a recurring column in 2010 to promote the use of digital marketing strategies in the digital printing industry.

Between 2016 and 2018, Enrico Giubertoni authored articles on digital strategy for the B2B cosmetics industry.

AA.VV., Leggere la comunicazioneLeggere la comunicazione. Politica, pubblicità, Internet, 2000, Meltemi Editore
Enrico Giubertoni's first publication on digital communication, at the age of 27, was featured in the collective work AA.VV. Leggere la comunicazione (Reading Communication), published by Meltemi Ed. [pp. 139-143].

AA.VV, Il Manuale del Cosmetologo, III Edizione, Tecniche Nuove Ed.
Enrico Giubertoni, a digital marketing expert with extensive experience in the cosmetics industry, curated Chapter 5 of the "Cosmetologist's Handbook," a key resource for professionals in the field. You know, in an increasingly digital world, even cosmetologists need to know their way around websites, social media, and online strategies to promote their business and reach new clients.

Enrico Giubertoni, I Social nella Cosmesi, Tecniche Nuove Ed.
(Social Media in Cosmetics: Digital Marketing Strategies for the Cosmetics Industry): This book dives deeper into the use of social media in the cosmetics industry. It provides a framework for developing a social media strategy and covers tactics for building a community, working with influencers, and running effective advertising campaigns.

Enrico Giubertoni, Strategie Digitali nella Cosmesi, Tecniche Nuove Ed.
(Digital Strategies in Cosmetics: Innovation as a Lever to Conquer the Consumer): This book explores how cosmetics companies can use digital strategies to reach and engage consumers. It covers topics like digital branding, social media marketing, and influencer marketing, with real-world examples and case studies.