Digital Marketing Mentality – Blog2022-10-23T19:15:29+02:00

Lost in Translation: Transforming Corporate-Centric Views into Customer-Centric Solutions with Digital Marketing Strategy

In today's competitive landscape, customers are not merely shopping for products; they're seeking impactful brand experiences. Indeed, products should be viewed as solutions to customer needs, whether those needs are [Continua a leggere ...]

By |18 September 2023|

Why your cosmetic company should embrace a systemic approach to Digital Marketing Innovation

"Tell me, I’ll forget. Show me, I’ll remember. Involve me, I’ll understand" (Confucius). The decision of embracing a global approach to Digital Marketing Innovation, affects the whole cosmetic company organization. [Continua a leggere ...]

By |4 January 2021|

Performance Advertising: what to do when sales slow down and you have to increase your expenses to compensate for it

When you measure your performance digitally, you often notice - when you compare it with previous years, turnover drops for the same amount of money. And consequently the advertising expenditure [Continua a leggere ...]

By |12 November 2020|
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