How to build a Digital Marketing Strategy able to represent the cosmetic product experience

Cosmetic Digital Marketing strategy must be able to represent on digital channels the product experience you will enjoy once purchased.

In fact, the consumer of a cosmetic brand expects the brand to always be omni present:

For this reason, our digital marketing strategy should guide the customer in every phase of the use of the cosmetic product.

In this post I’ll explain:

  • What are the key features of the cosmetic product experience applicable to digital marketing
  • How to decline these features in your digital marketing strategy

These topics were discussed during the Webinar Ripartire dal Cliente (Italian Language: watch it here) – promoted by Antares Vision and which took place on 24th June 2020 – where I had the honour of being Guest Speaker.

Antares Vision is an Italian global leader in offering inspection systems for quality control, tracking solutions for anti-counterfeiting and supply chain control, intelligent data management for production efficiency and consumer involvement.

In this webinar we analyzed how tools and applications supported by artificial intelligence open new scenarios and models of efficiency and customer engagement for cosmetic companies.

In cosmetics the product experience becomes lifelong. The consumer expects to be always supported by the brand

Sensoriality, in-depth, communication, Reiteration: these are the 4 key needs of the cosmetic consumer that a digital marketing strategy has to respond to

The cosmetic product is different from other products because you wear it on your body for several hours.

For instance, creams that interact for several hours inside the dermis, Make-Up on the face, and so on for nail products and hairstyles.

In cosmetics these are ongoing product experiences (in the sense that they persist over time).

For the user all this represents a communication scheme that he will communicate with his peers by providing User Generated Content on Blog and Social Channels.

This scheme touches 4 of your needs:

  • Sensoriality: the need to understand and communicate the aesthetic/sensory experience given by the cosmetic product.
  • In-depth: the need to discover new techniques for new results
  • Communication: the need to share opinions and experiences with your peers
  • Reiteration: the desire to discover this experience again by buying back the product

Rethinking your product digitally means creating a digital strategy that supports the consumer at all times.

Designing, Attracting, Welcoming, Loyalizing - how to build a Strategic Digital Marketing campaign for the cosmetics industry

The scheme of action we have seen (Sensory Experience, In-depth, Communication, Reiteration) is what the consumer does independently from the brand.

To transform the consumer into a customer, it is necessary for the cosmetic brand to integrate these values and consumer demands into a digital marketing and communication strategy.

To convert a consumer into a customer we have to rethink our product as digitally oriented as in this scheme:

  • Design a new routine based on the values of Corporate Vision.
  • Attract the cosmetic consumer to this new routine through Digit
  • Guide the cosmetic consumer to the nearest point of sale
  • Build the customer loyalty and turn the cosmetic consumer in a continuous cycle of purchases

This experience that we give to our consumer should not be limited to the sale/purchase phase but should recursively accompany the cosmetic consumer in his digital journey in order to convert/keep her/him as OUR Customer.

Picture of Enrico Giubertoni

Enrico Giubertoni

International Keynote Speaker, Autore. Aiuto le imprese a sfruttare il Marketing Digitale come leva strategica per conquistare il proprio Target
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