Mobile Beauty Marketing: when your company decides to adopt innovation, you win over the cosmetic consumer

When our company acts in the principles of digital innovation several phenomena occur: One of these – and you will agree that it is among the most important – is to conquer the cosmetic end consumer..

In this article – dedicated to digital cosmetic marketing – I explain:

  • Why the cosmetic consumer wants innovation
  • What happens when our company has a commitment to innovation

Mobile Beauty: why consumers want innovation in cosmetics

Cosmetic consumers want a Mobile Beauty experience: the desire to find more immediateness and practicality in everyday life pushes cosmetic consumers to download, use and integrate digital Apps dedicated to beauty routine in their everyday life

With smartphones that make everyday experiences easier, consumers seek to supplement traditional rituals with digital alternatives as a means to make everyday habits more practical. The hairstyle and beauty Mobile Beauty apps reflect a transformation of traditional beauty habits.

As a result, our consumers invest on average in smartphones very important figures, up to thresholds approaching or exceeding 1000 USD or Euro.

Statistics: Number of smartphone users from 2016 to 2021 (in billions) | Statista
Find more statistics at

Why do consumers invest so much in smartphones?

Because they feel the need to always have a device with them that is able to:

  • Take wonderful pictures of themselves and their friends
  • Make wonderful videos with Dolby audio
  • Let their life to be facilitated by artificial intelligence
  • Have in their Mobile Device a display of the same or better quality as your home TV

And from the Mobile Beauty App expect a totally immersive experience:

  • Facilitators of their everyday life
  • Unexpected and able to provide new and greater opportunities (Serendipity)

If consumers make an important economic investment they expect IMPORTANT return:

What happens when our company embraces a systemic approach to innovation

As our cosmetics company embraces innovation, everything this will bring new approaches in providing the end consumer with new approaches and new ways to experience cosmetics.

And when our cosmetic brand will provide the consumer with an innovative serendipity

or an innovative experience unexpected and disruptive

It will happen that we will create a reciprocal brand love link between our brand and consumers.

It is no coincidence that the Mission and Vision of Cosmetica Marketing is: to exploit digital marketing as a strategic leverage for CONQUER the end consumer.

Picture of Enrico Giubertoni

Enrico Giubertoni

International Keynote Speaker, Autore. Aiuto le imprese a sfruttare il Marketing Digitale come leva strategica per conquistare il proprio Target
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